@article{Xu2024RTAP,title={Range-constrained traffic assignment for electric vehicles under heterogeneous range anxiety},author={Xu, Zhandong and Peng, Yiyang and Li, Guoyuan and Chen, Anthony and Liu, Xiaobo},journal={Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies},volume={158},pages={104419},year={2024},publisher={Elsevier},}
TR Part-E
Elastic-demand bi-criteria traffic assignment under the continuously distributed value of time: A two-stage gradient projection algorithm with graphical interpretations
Zhandong Xu, Anthony Chen, Guoyuan Li, Zhengyang Li, and Xiaobo Liu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2024
@article{XU2024ED,title={Elastic-demand bi-criteria traffic assignment under the continuously distributed value of time: A two-stage gradient projection algorithm with graphical interpretations},journal={Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review},volume={183},pages={103425},year={2024},author={Xu, Zhandong and Chen, Anthony and Li, Guoyuan and Li, Zhengyang and Liu, Xiaobo},keywords={Elastic demand, Bi-criteria traffic assignment, Value of time, Continuous multi-class, Gradient projection},}
An efficient hyperpath-based algorithm for the capacitated transit equilibrium assignment problem
Wenxin Liang, Zhandong Xu, Jun Xie, Xiaobo Liu, and Yuting Feng
@article{Liang2024CTEAP,title={An efficient hyperpath-based algorithm for the capacitated transit equilibrium assignment problem},author={Liang, Wenxin and Xu, Zhandong and Xie, Jun and Liu, Xiaobo and Feng, Yuting},journal={Transportmetrica A: Transport Science},pages={2326819},year={2024},publisher={Taylor \& Francis},}
TR Part-B
Time and toll trade-off with heterogeneous users: A continuous time surplus maximization bi-objective user equilibrium model
Zhandong Xu, Anthony Chen, and Xiaobo Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2023
@article{Xu2023Timesurplus,title={Time and toll trade-off with heterogeneous users: A continuous time surplus maximization bi-objective user equilibrium model},author={Xu, Zhandong and Chen, Anthony and Liu, Xiaobo},journal={Transportation Research Part B: Methodological},volume={173},pages={31-58},year={2023},publisher={Elsevier},}
TR Part-E
Multiclass bi-criteria traffic assignment without class-specific variables: An alternative formulation and a subgradient projection algorithm
Zhengyang Li, Guoyuan Li, Zhandong Xu, and Anthony Chen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023
@article{li2023multiclass,title={Multiclass bi-criteria traffic assignment without class-specific variables: An alternative formulation and a subgradient projection algorithm},author={Li, Zhengyang and Li, Guoyuan and Xu, Zhandong and Chen, Anthony},journal={Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review},volume={176},pages={103210},year={2023},publisher={Elsevier},}
Hyperbush algorithm for strategy-based equilibrium traffic assignment problems
Zhandong Xu, Jun Xie, Xiaobo Liu, and Yu Marco Nie
@article{Xu2022Hyperbush,title={Hyperbush algorithm for strategy-based equilibrium traffic assignment problems},author={Xu, Zhandong and Xie, Jun and Liu, Xiaobo and Nie, Yu Marco},journal={Transportation science},year={2022},volume={56},number={4},pages={877-903},}
Quantifying the competitiveness of transit relative to taxi with multifaceted data
@article{xu2022Transit,title={Quantifying the competitiveness of transit relative to taxi with multifaceted data},author={Xu, Zhandong and Xie, Jun and Liu, Xiaobo and Nie, Yu},journal={Transportmetrica A: Transport Science},volume={18},number={2},pages={324--343},year={2022},publisher={Taylor \& Francis},}
TR Part-E
Hyperpath-based algorithms for the transit equilibrium assignment problem
Zhandong Xu, Jun Xie, Xiaobo Liu, and Yu (Marco) Nie
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020
@article{Xu2020Hyperpath,author={Xu, Zhandong and Xie, Jun and Liu, Xiaobo and Nie, Yu (Marco)},journal={Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review},title={Hyperpath-based algorithms for the transit equilibrium assignment problem},year={2020},pages={1--18},volume={143},keywords={Transit assignment, User equilibrium, Frequency-based, Hyperpath, Algorithm},}
Analysing driving efficiency of mandatory lane change decision for autonomous vehicles
Peng Cao, Zhandong Xu, Qiaochu Fan, and Xiaobo Liu
@article{Cao2019LaneChange,title={Analysing driving efficiency of mandatory lane change decision for autonomous vehicles},author={Cao, Peng and Xu, Zhandong and Fan, Qiaochu and Liu, Xiaobo},journal={IET Intelligent Transport Systems},volume={13},number={3},pages={506--514},year={2019},publisher={Wiley Online Library},}